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Fotoprodukci Superclona založil fotograf Jiří Hurt se svojí ženou Jitkou roce 2003.
Jiří se soustředí na technickou a výtvarnou stránku a Jitka zajišťuje produkci. Zaměřujeme se převážně na dva fotografické obory. Architekturu a portrét.
Fotografujeme pro redakce, reklamní agentury, firmy i architekty.
The photo production Superclona (Super aperture in Eng.) was founded by photographer
Jiří Hurt and his wife Jitka in 2003.
Jiří concentrates on the technical and artistic side and Jitka takes care of the production.
We focus mainly on two photographic disciplines. Architecture and portrait. We photograph for magazines, advertising agencies, companies and architects.
Vybrané reference
We use the professional facility and software from Canon, Mamiya, Hensel, Broncolor, Manfrotto, DJI, Apple, Adobe...
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